Getting your baby off to sleep can be so much harder if they have become Over tired!
But how do you read the signs before this happens?
Firstly its good to know that a newborn will generally only be able to stay awake for around an hour and that includes feeding times.
Newborn babies will often go off to sleep after their feed but if they suffer from wind or reflux then they may need a decent amount of winding time first or be quickly awake because of it. You then need to settle them back to sleep. If you have trouble doing this then check out my blog on settling your baby.
The older baby will obviously start to be awake for longer periods of time and it can be easy to forget that they need to go down for a nap especially if your busy or enjoying their smiley company!
Babies can rapidly go from happy to unconsolable if they enter the overtired stage. Then I used to find they were less likely to sleep properly and contently.
So how do you know when they are ready for a sleep and Watch for sleep cues.
If your baby has started to yawn then you've probably missed all the signs that may have come before the yawning.
Staring into space becoming less interactive and avoiding eye contact with you.
Eye rubbing,
Ear or hair pulling
Once you see the signs get Him /Her into their bed and they are more likely to nod off to sleep without any fuss.
For more information check out these sites that have lots of advice.